Friday, June 1, 2012

New work by artist Monika Steiner 
on view currently at Geras Tousignant Gallery
Title: Life, oil on wood, 40" x 40" 
artist: Monika Steiner

Binary Forces
New Paintings by Monika Steiner

Integral to the creation of my abstract Art are the concepts of Metaphysics - the philosophical study of being, knowing, and  fundamental reality -  and my daily practices in Meditation, in which I explore the conscious and unconscious dimensions of the mind.

My paintings feature emerging and dissolving spheres, natures most efficient shape, floating in empty space.

I envision all forms of matter as containers of information where particles come in and out of existence through our intention to observe them, passing from the implicate into the physical and then back into the realm of potential.

These  concepts allow me to investigate the subtle relationship between perception and material reality. The harmonious background colors interacting  with the energetic floating spheres create a balance that it is exquisitely delicate and  at the same time, powerful, dramatic and serene. 

Born in Switzerland, Monika Steiner currently resides in the San Francisco Bay Area where she received her BFA degree from Sonoma State University. Her work has been shown nationally and internationally in galleries, museums, and public exhibitions.

Title: The Fifth Element, oil on wood, 40" x 72"
 artist: Monika Steiner
Title: Infinity III, Bronze, 29" x 21" x 11" 
artist: Monika Steiner 

Abstraction is my way to describe what I cannot see physically, what is beyond the tangible.  I take an idea and remove all that is familiar to me, seeking the true essence, what’s left is something that has a much deeper grasp of reality.
I want to express the truth of this deeper reality with the timelessness of bronze sculpture. I contemplate ideas until they become abstract shapes, resonating with their essential duality:  The contrast of inner and outer, density and negative space, asymmetry verses balance, and polished edges against shadow and texture. 
Born in Switzerland, Monika Steiner received her BFA degree from Sonoma State University. She has had several solo shows since, and is in private collections here and abroad.

artist: Monika Steiner